
Joel-alex tuominen

Why Chiropractor?

Chiropractic enables seamless cooperation between the central nervous system and the body. In this way, the body is given the opportunity to function freely, in the best possible way for itself.

To whom?

Kiropraktiikka on turvallinen ja tehokas hoitomuoto mikä sopii kaiken ikäisille. Tavoitteenani on edistää terveyttä ja hyvinvoivaa kehoa kaikissa elämän vaiheissa. Haluan että asiakkaani pystyvät hyödyntämään koko potentiaalinsa.

Book an appointment with a Chiropractor

Before starting the treatment, we go through your health history and perform neurological and orthopedic tests. After the examination, we tailor a treatment program that suits your needs and goals.


Joel-alex tuominen

I am Joel Tuominen and I offer chiropractor services with professionalism and customer appreciation.

My office is located in Helsinki on Kalevankatu, and once a month in Pori and Pyhätunturi in Lapland. I have a 5-year Master in Chiropractic degree from the Barcelona College of Chiropractic and since then I have worked as a Chiropractor mainly in Finland.

After graduating, I started reception in Pori, Chiropractic Center in Arctopolis. In autumn 2021, I opened a reception in Pyhätunturi with my colleague, where I go about once a month to take care of local customers and customers visiting the ski resort.

My main activity is in Helsinki and my office is located in Chydenius Chiropractic Centre, Kalevankatu 4.

Feel free to get in touch!



Kiropraktikko joel-Alex Tuominen

